About the conference

Live broadcasting

The scientific sessions are being broadcasted live on zoom, which you can attend under this link!


About the Conference

Storage and release of water from seasonal snow covers constitute critical components of the hydrological cycle in many parts of the world, affecting water availability, vegetation patterns, ecosystems, and weather. Measuring, modelling, and understanding the processes that control deposition and ablation dynamics of snow provide ample research challenges, especially in complex mountainous terrain. SnowHydrology2024 provides an exceptional opportunity to discuss recent advances in all aspects of snow hydrology in a dedicated conference setting, including snow cover processes, distribution dynamics, model development, operational snowmelt forecasting and data assimilation, remote sensing of snow, new experimental methods, climate change effects on snow water resources, snow-vegetation interactions, and snow ecohydrology. SnowHydrology2024 is the event to meet your international peers and exchange latest ideas in a focused and informal setting!


Dates and Venue

The 4th International Conference on Snow Hydrology (SnowHydrology2024) will be hosted in Grenoble, France in the foothills of the Alps not far from the famous Mont-Blanc. The scientific sessions will take place on Tuesday to Thursday (30 Jan - 1 Feb). On Friday (2 Feb) we will take you out to an exciting excursion, allowing you to enjoy the snow in the nearby mountains. An icebreaker event will be offered on Tuesday evening (30 Jan).


Scientific Program

We have received over 100 abstracts, which allowed us to build an exciting program, which is available here. Presentations will be on all aspects of snow hydrology, organized by topics into four oral session and one poster session per day.


Registration and Costs

The registration is now closed. Registration costs 250 EUR covering lunch and coffee breaks during the meeting, the ice breaker event on Tuesday, the conference dinner on Wednesday, and general logistics. OSUG generously provided funding so that we can offer a reduced registration fee of 150 EUR to early career scientists (up to 2 years after PhD). The full-day excursion on Friday costs an additional 30 EUR for those who wish to participate and include all transfers, entry fees, the cable car, and a lunch bag.


What’s next




25 Jan 2024: Poster presenters will now find the number of their poster board in the conference program. Please mount your poster in accordance with this numbering.

22 Jan 2024: We have sent out an email to all registered participants with some logistical information. Note that this email is where you will find the link to upload your presentation should you be a presenting author of an oral presentation. More information for presenters is available here.

19 Jan 2024: Please note another update of the full conference program which was necessary due to a few cancellations. We appreciate that you keep us up to date. We have further added information for presenters, with locations of the dinner and ice breaker events, and more details about the excursion.

29 Dec 2023: Here is an update of the full conference program which includes all requested amendments. Note that six presentations are still listed as unconfirmed. The presenting authors of those abstracts are requested to either register, name us an alternative presenter, or withdraw the abstract as soon as possible.

27 Nov 2023: Important note for those interested in the excursion: We can only take up to 50 participants. The available places will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Update: the excursion is now fully booked!

15 Nov 2023: The registration system is now open. Please register for the conference until Dec-10th the latest.

8 Nov 2023: Here it is, the full conference program. We received over 100 abstracts, which allowed us to assemble this exciting program, check it out today! The registration page is in preparation and should become available in the next days. We will send all authors a notification.

16 Oct 2023: As we start building the program, we will keep the abstract submission system open for a few more days for those who missed the deadline, and take abstracts until 18 Oct 2023 the latest.

18 Sep 2023: The abstract submission system is now open, submit your abstract until 15 Oct 2023!

15 Sep 2023: The webpage has been updated with additional information, e.g., on the excursion, the registration and associated costs, and with tips regarding accommodation in Grenoble.

15 May 2023: The first circular is out, save the date!

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